Israel is a benefit to America, repeat after me

That the American political and military elites may think Israeli behaviour is causing troubles for the Empire in the Middle East is clearly a mad idea, considered by anti-Semites or mad people: Commander of the U.S. Military’s Central Command Gen. David Petraeus phoned his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, this week to deny reports that he…

Don’t be a child in Palestine

From the Only Democracy in the Middle East: In the West Bank, there is a two-tiered system of justice, including for minors.…  For settler children, justice is administered according to Israeli domestic law, with all the due process protections that affords.…  They…  cannot be … charged as adults until they reach 18, in accordance with the…

Here we go again: growing tension between Israel and Hamas

Rumblings in Gaza and a major Israeli loss: Two Israeli soldiers have been killed during clashes with Hamas fighters on the Gaza Strip’s southern border, the Israeli army has said. Two other soldiers were wounded during the fighting which broke out east of the town of Khan Younis. Two Palestinian militants were also killed in…

How the Israel lobby plants hysterical stories in the Aussie media

One of the few Australian academics to actually publicly challenge Australia’s deep relationship with Israel and America is Scott Burchill. Here’s his latest missive: This mysterious story appeared on AM (ABC Radio) on Friday. Just dropped out of the blue. Nothing newsworthy about it. In fact the story is mostly nonsense – including accusations that…

It’s only an Arab kid, after all

Oops, how on earth did this happen? Teachers at a large Holon high school said yesterday they were appalled by what they described as the racist insinuations of a video clip they received by e-mail from the school principal that showed an Arab toddler being thrown into a swimming pool and nearly drowning. “A principal…

Oh to be arrogant and Israeli

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Satisfaction – that’s what Israeli faces radiate, at least as observed by people who just came out of Ramallah or Gaza and watch Jerusalem’s busy Ben-Yehuda Street, the Ramat Aviv Mall or Ben-Gurion International Airport. To the Israelis, nothing exists beyond the moment. It’s just like the smugness exhibited by Prime…

Australia and its close mates in Mossad

The following is an extract from an ABC Radio program “Rear Vision” titled “The story of the Israeli secret service the Mossad” broadcast this week. Israeli historian Professor Benny Morris and Yossi Melman, journalist and intelligence expert for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, admit that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and some other western intelligence…

Weapons for Israel

In case anybody was worried about the relationship between Washington and Israel, rest easy, friends, business isn’t being interrupted: As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington this week absorbing the full wrath of the Obama administration, the Pentagon and Israel’s defense establishment were in the process of sealing a large arms deal. According to…

Letter of the week

From today’s Australian: Britain is to be congratulated for expelling Israel’s ambassador to London. Australia should now expel Israel’s ambassador to Canberra. Further, the Israel embassy should be raided and searched by the AFP, the ADF and ASIS and any equipment used for criminal activity, like forging our passports, should be confiscated. Adrian Jackson, Middle…

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