How the girls of Jenin express themselves

The Freedom Theatre in the Palestinian occupied territories gives locals the opportunity to learn and experience the live theatre and film experience. This short film examines the challenges of young women struggling against the inherent conservatism of the area:

Yet more separation between West Bank and Gaza

A press release from 15 March: HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, and 11 other Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations petitioned the Supreme Court today against the military and the Minister of Defense, demanding the revocation of an illegal procedure which prevents Palestinians living…

Our good Palestinian Fatah boys crushing those awful Hamas lads

Trust Daniel Pipes to both infuriate and shock. Sadly, the US-backed Palestinian militias are essentially a police state in the making and a useful army to quash any resistance to American/Israeli designs on the Palestinian territories: “The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” – last year that’s what I called American efforts to…

Obama and Netanyahu are singing again soon

Washington and Israel, the best of friends again: Israel’s ambassador to Washington and the White House denied remarks that have fueled the current Israel-U.S. crisis. Israel’s Michael Oren was quoted this week by Ha’aretz as saying that relations were at a 35-year-low after Israel embarrassed Vice President Joe Biden during visit to the region by…

Time for the media to ask some deeper questions about Israel/American relations (ie. it’s in pretty good shape)

Everybody calm down. Hillary Clinton has reaffirmed Washington’s “absolute commitment to Israel’s security”. Jerusalem is facing growing Palestinian protests, especially since Hamas called for a “day of rage”. Bradley Burston writes in Haaretz a completely over the top comment: Washington is beginning to relate to the Netanyahu government as if it were Hamas. Please. Israel…

This Passover, being Jewish is a painful affair

I applaud critical Jewish voices, the more the merrier. Welcome Lawrie Zion, Australian writer, academic and proud Jew. The fear of speaking out against Israeli immorality is decreasing by the day: Some of my happiest times have been at the Passover table. Even for a relatively non-observant Jew like me, participation in a Seder has…

One meaning of the Israel/Australia bond is selling weapons to the other

This from the Electronic Intifada in February: Despite Israel’s oppressive tactics against it, the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has marked additional victories with many institutional investors divesting from or blacklisting Israeli military contractor Elbit Systems. One of the largest Dutch pension funds told The Electronic Intifada today that it is selling off its…

Latest West Bank shenanigans

The great Amira Hass, a beacon in dark times. One: The army has declared the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Na’alin a ‘closed military area’ until August 17, it emerged Monday. In arresting a demonstrator on Friday, police cited a military edict closing off the two villages, where weekly protests against the barrier Israel…

The latest on the supposed rift between Israel and (usually) compliant Washington

A running, mainstream media commentary on Israel’s current spat with Washington is below. Countless articles are now appearing across the world detailing the supposed crisis between the close allies. Frankly, I’m skeptical. I don’t doubt that the Obama administration is upset with Israel’s apparent dissing of Vice President Biden but what matters is a serious…

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