Challenge Israel, be called a Nazi

The wonderful Max Blumenthal: In the days leading up to Israeli Apartheid Week’s opening event at Columbia University, leading anti-Muslim blogger Pam Geller posted an image of an SS officer with the name of one of the event’s speakers, Ben White, emblazoned on his uniform. (The image recalled placards held by far-right settlers depicting Yitzhak…

Tearing the heart out of Beit Jala

Another day, another example of Israel illegally ripping out the soul of a Palestinian area. Olive trees are the life-blood of the Palestinian people and it’s at least encouraging to see a few activists trying to prevent the Israeli bulldozers with their dirty work:

The supposed rise of a new Israeli left

(Via Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?) By Udi Aloni and Ofer Neiman This article was originally published in Hebrew on March 2nd in … YNet, the website of the mass circulation daily Yediot Achronot. It seems that for the first time in many years the Israeli peace camp is reaping the fruits of…

The Arab League proves its utter uselessness

Get ready for months of meaningless talking while Israel simply continues expanding settlements: The prospects for the first negotiations involving Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership for over a year have increased after the nations of the Arab League gave qualified support to a US proposal for indirect talks between both sides. The decision by…

If America turns on Israel, they’ll always have Micronesia

The National notes Israel’s growing isolation in the UN (of course, Washington’s tight backing is often all that matters): Two unrelated diplomatic upsets have underlined growing impatience with the behaviour of the Israeli government among western countries that are traditionally supportive. Backing from the European Union and Australia in the United Nations to sustain the…

Israel and South Africa, feel the similarities

Jerusalem Post columnist Larry Derfner doesn’t mince words: “As long as in this territory west of the Jordan River there is only one political entity called Israel, it is going to be either non-Jewish or non-democratic. If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, it will be an apartheid state.” Those are the words…

Netanyahu and Mossad head will be watching where they travel

Interesting: Dubai’s police chief plans to seek the arrest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Mossad over the killing of a Hamas leader in the emirate, Al Jazeera television reported on Wednesday. Dahi Khalfan Tamim “said he would ask the Dubai prosecutor to issue arrest warrants for … Netanyahu and the…

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