Israeli PR needs a lobotomy

While Israelis are being encouraged to promote their country overseas – unsurprisingly ignoring the less savoury aspects of the occupation – one Israeli commentator is pleased that the country’s so-called enemies are fearful of “crazy Israel”: The Goldstone Report, which claimed that Israel goes crazy when it is being attacked, caused us some damage (which…

Israel feels a little more exposed in the UN

For Australian diplomacy – usually little more than a rubber-stamp for everything Israel does – this is significant: Australia was last night preparing to abstain in a United Nations vote on a resolution urging Israel and the Palestinian Authority to investigate allegations of war crimes committed during last year’s war in Gaza. The UN General…

Jews, stop using the Holocaust card

The fine words of a former Australian Prime Minister: Kevin Rudd should take a much harder line against Israel in the wake of mounting evidence its Mossad secret service used doctored Australian passports in its plot to murder a senior Hamas militant, former prime minister Malcolm Fraser said yesterday. Last night, Australian Federal Police investigators…

Australia’s Zionist lobby shows that without direction from Israel, they’re lost

Interesting that some key Australian Jewish organisations are refusing to comment on the Israel/Australia passport scandal (and those who are speaking are so utterly unconvincing. Another own goal, guys). Perhaps they’re waiting for instructions from Jerusalem: Australian Jewish leaders say evidence of Israel’s alleged involvement in the Hamas assassination plot and forged passport scandal is…

How much do we really know about Israel’s reach in Australia?

A story in today’s Sydney Morning Herald – on an issue I’ve been receiving information about recently, privately of course, though something I could never prove – suggests that Israel’s infiltration of Australia (and many Western states) is something crying out to be discussed: ASIO is investigating at least three dual Australian-Israeli citizens who they…

New Zealand knows all about Israel and its passport policies

Another interesting angle in the ever-widening Australia/Israel passport scandal, via the ABC: MEREDITH GRIFFTHS: But a New Zealand MP Phil Goff says the links are there [of Mossad involvement]. PHIL GOFF: It is I think very clear that this is part of the modus operandi of Mossad, that they gain their passports in this way.…

Israelis who know how to bring peace

John Pilger on the unreported heroes in Israel: Rami and Nurit are two of the founders of the Parents Circle, or Bereaved Families Forum, which brings together Israelis and Palestinians who have lost loved ones. “It’s painful to acknowledge,” he said, “but there is no basic moral difference between the [Israeli] soldier at the checkpoint…

“A long friendship is on the line”

The Age’s Diplomatic Editor Daniel Flitton: Spies, lies and murder: Australia’s relationship with Israel has been dragged into the mud, with the potential that this scandal could get a great deal worse. An ugly episode, indeed. No diplomatic niceties softened the message from Foreign Minister Stephen Smith yesterday – if Israeli officials have tampered with…

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