New Zealand knows all about Israel and its passport policies

Another interesting angle in the ever-widening Australia/Israel passport scandal, via the ABC: MEREDITH GRIFFTHS: But a New Zealand MP Phil Goff says the links are there [of Mossad involvement]. PHIL GOFF: It is I think very clear that this is part of the modus operandi of Mossad, that they gain their passports in this way.…

Israelis who know how to bring peace

John Pilger on the unreported heroes in Israel: Rami and Nurit are two of the founders of the Parents Circle, or Bereaved Families Forum, which brings together Israelis and Palestinians who have lost loved ones. “It’s painful to acknowledge,” he said, “but there is no basic moral difference between the [Israeli] soldier at the checkpoint…

“A long friendship is on the line”

The Age’s Diplomatic Editor Daniel Flitton: Spies, lies and murder: Australia’s relationship with Israel has been dragged into the mud, with the potential that this scandal could get a great deal worse. An ugly episode, indeed. No diplomatic niceties softened the message from Foreign Minister Stephen Smith yesterday – if Israeli officials have tampered with…

Murdoch columnist urges Israel to kill people with less traces, please

Surely article of the day about Australian passports being involved in the Dubai murder (while Israeli itself continues to deny its involvement, sounding a little like a scorned schoolchild who doesn’t like admitting he hits girls). Over to you, Greg Sheridan (essentially wishing well… Israel and any other country that wants to murder supposed terrorists in…

1948 cannot be forgotten through Israeli legal means

The organisation Zochrot are a group of Israeli citizens working to raise awareness of the Nakba, the 1948 Palestinian catastrophe. Its head Eitan Bronstein writes in Hebrew (translated below) about Israel’s proposed Nakba law: The Nakba law is coming up again for consideration in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, in a more moderate…

The UN thanks Israel for allowing glass into Gaza (really)

The weakness of the UN in the Middle East. Scraps on the table and even then they thank the Israelis for nothing: 24 February 2010 UN Special Coordinator Robert Serry called on Israeli President Shimon Peres today to discuss efforts to resume Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, the situation in the West Bank, and the continuing crisis in…

The Green Prince was a traitor to the Palestinian cause

A story that doesn’t really need any comment: The son of a leading Hamas figure, who famously converted to Christianity, served for over a decade as the Shin Bet security service’s most valuable source in the militant organization’s leadership, Haaretz has learned. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder…

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