The UN thanks Israel for allowing glass into Gaza (really)

The weakness of the UN in the Middle East. Scraps on the table and even then they thank the Israelis for nothing: 24 February 2010 UN Special Coordinator Robert Serry called on Israeli President Shimon Peres today to discuss efforts to resume Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, the situation in the West Bank, and the continuing crisis in…

The Green Prince was a traitor to the Palestinian cause

A story that doesn’t really need any comment: The son of a leading Hamas figure, who famously converted to Christianity, served for over a decade as the Shin Bet security service’s most valuable source in the militant organization’s leadership, Haaretz has learned. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder…

The PA doesn’t seem to care who they meet or where

This is truly absurd. Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad meets with some of America’s most right-wing Jewish leaders who don’t believe in ending the occupation or ceasing settlement building. Fayyad is becoming the “nice” Palestinian (though Israel is starting to tire of his pronouncements: maybe they’ll just kill him): U.S. Jewish leaders pressed Palestinian…

Australia is apparently upset with Israel (or so it seems)

Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith comments in Parliament on Israel’s use of Australian passports in the murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai: I’ve made it crystal clear to the [Israeli]… ambassador that if the results of that investigation cause us to come to the conclusion that the abuse of Australian passports was in any way…

News flash: US corporate media reports on Palestinian’s lack of movement

Wow, real journalism about Israel’s occupation, published in the mainstream press. Here’s an Associated Press piece in the Washington Post this week (and it’s titled, “Checkpoint misery epitomizes a Mideast divide”): The journey to Jerusalem, for tens of thousands of Palestinians, begins in a dank, trash-strewn hangar. They move through cage-like passages and 7-foot-high turnstiles…

The family of Rachel Corrie deserve justice

The legacy of peace activist Rachel Corrie – killed by Israel in 2003 – continues to weave its way through history. This latest news shows how unwilling Israel is to account for its actions: Under pressure from the United States, Israel is to grant visas to four activists from the International Solidarity Movement so they…

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