The means and methods of killing Israeli enemies (and who who admire them)

Mossad’s supposedly legendary ability to murder so-called “enemies” is praised by many Jews but simply shows the illegality of Israeli actions. The recent killing in Dubai of a Hamas operative – according to former New York Times journalist and Iraq WMD story-teller Judith Miller, this was Israel’s third attempt – alerted the world to such…

The dirty work of Mossad achieves more hatred of Israel

Israel continues to harass nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu. He wants to be a free man but this is seemingly impossible. This story from the UK Telegraph is written by the journalist who had broken Vanunu’s story in the first place back in the 1980s, Peter Hounam: If Mossad was behind the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh…

Using oral sex to try and sell Israel

The Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy has a new ad promoting Israel: Bottom line, writes Seth Freeman in the Guardian, selling Israel is failing because the product is on life support: Israel’s image problem will only disappear when the core crimes committed in the name of the state cease, and the Palestinians are…

“Aftershock” shows what the IDF does to Arabs

Aftershock is a 2004 film about Israeli soldiers discussing the horrific ways they treated Palestinians: “Whilst I was there, I lost all my faith in the Israeli army. They put it right in your face: ‘Go be the oppressors for your people. Force yourselves upon them.’ They told us … ‘take these bats wrapped up…

Nearly six million Jews in Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at the Jerusalem Jewish Agency: Israel today has the largest Jewish community in the world.…  We’re fast approaching six million souls and we’re fast approaching a point where the majority of the Jews will live in the land of Israel.…  That has not happened since the days of the Second Temple.

How the fishermen of Gaza are not coping

Gaza today: Ten years ago, Gaza’s approximately 3,600 fishermen were hauling out approximately 3,000 tons of fresh fish a year, supporting an even larger 30,000 people in Gaza. Since then, violent clashes with – and ever-tightening restrictions by – the Israeli army have virtually destroyed the once-booming business. Today, just 20 percent of Gaza fishermen…

Raising for Hizbollah is a problem (but Jewish colonies is not)

Americans raise money for the illegal settlements in Palestine and nobody says a word and yet this behaviour is deemed unacceptable: Three Florida businessmen were arrested for smuggling video games to a mall in Paraguay linked to Hezbollah. The businessmen, from the Miami-Dade area, were arrested Feb. 18 for smuggling video games and other electronic…

Israel and Iran may not be friends for quite a long time

How sincere is the Islamic Republic towards Palestine? And what are some of the real reasons Tehran allegedly backs a resolution of the Middle East conflict? During a campaign speech at the University of Uroomiyeh in northwestern Iran a few months before the June presidential election there, Mir Hossein Moussavi, the main reformist presidential candidate…

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