The warmth, memory and strength of Gaza

My essay, reportage and personal reflections about Gaza in US magazine The Markaz. The outlet is publishing an entire edition about Gaza, a Palestinian territory that’s routinely shunned, ignored and demonised in the West. Here’s the beginning of my piece (and read the whole thing): The Children Land’s Kindergarten sits in the Bedouin village of…

How the Jewish state increasingly has ties with the far-right

This week I spoke at a event organised by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism on Israel and its growing ties with the global far-right. I explain how Israel’s permanent occupation is an inspiration for many nations now (and yes, this is also partly the subject of my next book out in 2023):

Rising Palestinian voices

My recent interview with Bay FM, a great community radio station in Byron Bay, Australia. The interviewer Fernando has constructed an interesting, podcast-style production on Israel/Palestine: BayFM 99.9 · Palestine Special with Mohammed & Muna El-Kurd and Antony Loewenstein 14.06.21

Shaping and skewing coverage of Israel/Palestine

I participated in this event earlier in the week on the role and responsibility of the media when reporting on Israel/Palestine. It was organised by the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion and UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Sydney, Australia. Over 250 people attended the event via Zoom: How does the…

Who is Israeli politician Naftali Bennett?

With the likely rise of Israeli politician Naftali Bennett to the position of Prime Minister, I was asked to comment by global broadcaster TRT World: “Netanyahu’s likely replacement, Bennett, will not help to improve Israel’s image. He’s a right-wing, pro-settler ideologue who believes in Jewish supremacy and the denial of equal rights for Palestinians,” says…

“Battle-testing” weapons during unnecessary conflicts

Whenever there’s another round of fighting between Israel and Hamas, both sides develop/hone their defence systems. Israel often tests new weapons and then promotes them to the world as “battle-tested”. I was interviewed by UK-outlet Middle East Eye (the article is also in French): Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist who was recently based in Jerusalem and is…

What freedom in Palestine could look like

The most intense fighting between Israel and Hamas may have stopped for now but the human rights abuses in Palestine live on. Yesterday I was asked to speak at a large Palestine rally in Sydney’s CBD. I’ve long believed that it’s vital to speak out as a Jew in support of Palestinian rights:

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