SBS Radio interview on #FreePalestine and Gaza

Last weekend I was interviewed by SBS News Radio about the war in Gaza, the use of social media and what #FreePalestine really means: [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

The mess in Libya is deep warning to "humanitarian interventionists"

My weekly Guardian column: Libya was sold as a glorious, liberating war. London’s Tory mayor Boris Johnson… wrote… in March 2011 that the overthrow of dictator Muammar Gaddafi was “of course ”¦ a good idea”. He was cautiously optimistic that a Western-led military campaign would not be a “disaster” like Iraq in 2003. “What kind of democracy…

My Sydney speech on Gaza and a different Jewish identity

Today I spoke at a large Sydney rally in support of Palestine, Gaza and a dissenting, non-violent Jewish perspective. I think there were only a handful of Jews in the predominantly Muslim and Arab crowd. I hope that more Jews begin to find their voice on this vital humanitarian issue and refuse to allow Israel…

Global Jews say end the massacre in Gaza

I’m honoured to be asked to sign the following just released statement with a range of distinguished people around the world: Jews Say: End the War on Gaza — No Aid to Apartheid Israel! Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for…

Key aim of Israeli war plans is to kill Arabs over and over again

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: The goal of Operation Protective Edge is to restore the calm; the means: killing civilians. The slogan of the Mafia has become official Israeli policy. Israel sincerely believes that if it kills hundreds of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, quiet will reign. It is pointless to destroy the weapons stores of…

On Utoya: book on murder, far-right, racism and hate

In 2011 Norwegian… Anders Breivik murdered dozens of his countrymen and women in a rampage of hatred.…  Soon after, three Australians, Tad Tietze, Liz Humphrys and Guy Rundle, edited a collection,… On Utoya, about the event. My chapter was about the growing connections between the far-right and Israel. The e-book has now been released as a free…

Palestinians now wanting true justice under one-state solution

In 2013, I released with my co-editor Ahmed Moor the edited collection, After Zionism. It featured many prominent views on the viability and necessity of a one-state solution in Israel and Palestine. Now a new study of Palestinians, via Haaretz, reveals the growing belief amongst Palestinians in Palestine that a state treating all its citizens…

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