Breaking: US TV show discusses influence of Zionist lobby

Perhaps the only US TV host that actually honestly discusses domestic and global issues is Chris Hayes on MSNBC. His latest involves the current absurd calls by the Israel lobby and its courtiers in the US to stop the potential Obama administration nomination of Chuck Hagel as Defence Secretary because he’s an “anti-Semite“. If America…

Political repression against blogger in Israel

Fascinating and disturbing story by Haggai Matar in +972: The Israeli blogger ”˜Eishton”˜ has been questioned by civilian and military police in an attempt to make him reveal a whistleblower who supplied him with unclassified military documents. His interrogation has attracted media attention to the anonymous blogger and his writing. Eishton (a combination of the…

Alternative Australian government blindly endorses occupying Israel

Liberal opposition leader Tony Abbott has recently been in London attending the… Australia-Israel-UK Leadership Forum. Unsurprisingly, the Australian media has mostly ignored the event – I mean, hell, why would they want to cover how the Zionist lobby works to enforce a fundamentalist position on Israel/Palestine? – so today’s front page story in Murdoch’s Australian… shows just…

South Africa’s ANC embraces Israel boycott in official policy

Big and welcome news (via Electronic Intifada): For the first time ever, the… African National Congress… (ANC), the ruling party in… South Africa, today made the Palestinian call for… boycott, divestment and sanctions… on Israel part of its official policy. Mbuyiseni Ndlozi of… BDS South Africa… said the decision “by the ANC’s National Conference, its highest decision making body, is by far…

Leading American Zionist worries about end of Jewish state

Jeffrey Goldberg (see here for his glorious record of loving American/Israeli-led wars) is one of America’s most read Zionists with access to Barack Obama. That supposedly makes you important in establishment media land when it really means you’re a water carrier for war-friendly policies (especially over Iran). Having said all that, Goldberg has expressed increasing…

Why boycotting Israeli academia is necessary and principled

My following piece appears today in ABC’s… The Drum: An academic boycott of Israeli universities isn’t an attack on freedom of speech. The evidence tells us these institutions are key battlegrounds for breaches of international law towards the Palestinians, argues Antony Loewenstein. New Zealand’s $20 billion national pension fund… announced this month… that it was divesting from three…

The new totalitarianism in India

The always eloquent Arundhati Roy on disaster capitalism in the world’s biggest quasi-democracy: I don’t know how far back in history to begin, so I’ll lay the milestone down in the recent past. I’ll start in the early 1990s, not long after capitalism won its war against Soviet Communism in the bleak mountains of Afghanistan.…

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