2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine and Australian UN vote

I was interviewed on Friday: Relations between Australia and Israel remain tense after the Foreign Minister Bob Carr called in Israel’s ambassador on Tuesday, to convey strong concern over plans to expand settlements on Palestinian land. Carr told the ambassador that building new settlements threatens the viability of a two-state solution. Israel announced the plan…

When Murdoch’s clown rag gets desperate for stories over Palestine, throw in anti-Semitism slur

Clearly Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper feels it hasn’t written enough foolish articles about the rampant anti-Semitism inside Sydney University’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. Today another gem that feels like a hilarious mish-mash of separate ideas tied together with dodgy tape. If the “journalists” who write the stories, or the Liberal MPs who love…

Tale of principled Sydney University academic on Palestine and BDS

The following story appeared in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper yesterday on its front page: The Sydney University’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which has thrown its support behind controversial Palestinian leaders, has cited its boycott of Israel for refusing to help an Israeli civics teacher who has designed programs for both Jewish and Arab…

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