BBC Persian TV interview on Israeli threats against Iran

Here’s my interview in London on BBC Persian TV on 21 August 2012 (starts at 11:26) about Iran’s relationship with Israel, Netanyahu’s threats against the Islamic Republic and the avoidance of the real issue in the Middle East; the Palestinians. I argue that an Israeli or American military strike against Iran would be disastrous and…

Understanding a New York Times Israel-based journalist

A fascinating exchange between Jodi Rudoren of the New York Times and Jewish academic Jerome Slater. It’s very revealing of the mindset required to work for the leading American paper. “Balance” is key (because Israel and the Palestinians are clearly equals in terms of power on the ground.) Perhaps the most interesting part is this…

“We call it the Jewish Disneyland trip”

The role of the Zionist lobby in taking politicians and journalists to Israel has a long and sordid history. Note my recent investigation into Australian student leaders being romanced. The latest scandal is discussed in the New York Times: The trip was much like any of the hundreds hosted in recent years by a nonprofit…

The daily, mundane nature of Israeli occupation

Amira Hass in Haaretz on the kind of behaviour that rarely receives media coverage. It isn’t sexy, just the reality for Palestinians: It is not for us to be burdened by the considerations of foreign news editors, and so for the second week in a row, we return to Live Fire Zone 918, this time…

The Israel lobby gets American politicians to disrobe

Really (via Politico): The FBI probed a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee that involved drinking, numerous GOP freshmen lawmakers, top leadership staff — and one nude member of Congress, according to more than a dozen sources, including eyewitnesses. During a fact-finding congressional trip to the… Holy Land… last summer, Rep.… Kevin Yoder… (R-Kan.) took off his clothes…

Talking “After Zionism” on Sydney’s 2SER Radio

I was interviewed this week about my new book on Sydney’s 2SER’s The Third Degree: We’re talking Palestine and Israel, the gaps in our knowledge, the flaws in the so called ‘peace talks’, and the reasons why many are calling for the creation of one nation state. In conversation with Antony Loewenstein, independent journalist, commentator…

The tortuous discussion within Palestine over BDS

How to show solidarity with Palestinians under occupation seems increasingly clear; civil society is calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Here’s an interesting piece in Haaretz about a new documentary that tackles the complex issue of a cinema in the West Bank town of Jenin and the inevitable political debates: Yet the technical…

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