The Greens must push Labor to question Israel

Don’t worry Zionists, neither major political party has any intention of questioning anything Israel ever does because Israel is a state that clearly needs only blind backing: The Labor Party has insisted its official agreement with The Greens is unlikely to have an impact on its support for Israel.

Churches standing up to ‘pro-Israel’ politicians

My following article appears today in Eureka Street: The Australian Jewish News (AJN) was outraged. Its editorial in late July condemned the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) for a resolution calling on Australians to boycott Israeli goods made in the occupied Palestinian territories. The AJN wrote that the move contributed to a global…

Aussie election brings very mixed results

Yesterday’s election in Australia remains unresolved, a hung parliament and massively high Green vote. More here, here, here, here and here. Truly progressive politics did very well but the uncertainty means that Australians don’t yet know if the right-wing Labor Party or more right-wing Liberal Party are in charge.

What the Australian election campaign says about us

The BBC’s Sydney-based correspondent Nick Bryant has it right. The Australian election campaign has been deathly parochial, the world didn’t exist, the level of debate was monotonous, any vision was non-existent and both major sides of politics were desperate to appear similar to the other. I’ll be voting Greens tomorrow and in the spirit of…

Time for an honest accounting of the Israel lobby and the ALP

While the Zionist establishment in Australia has no real concerns over Saturday’s election win – both major sides love Israel to death – the mainstream media only occasionally reveals the workings of the Zionist lobby (and almost in passing): The controversial property career of Julia Gillard’s partner, Tim Mathieson, is in serious doubt as the…

Australia still loves everything about Israel

Surprise, surprise: The diplomatic relationship between Australia and Israel has resumed on its normal course, less than three months after Stephen Smith expelled an Australian diplomat from Canberra. And despite a frosty few months, the two countries – which both share a desire to see Iran’s nuclear weapons program halted immediately – never ceased to…

Who wants to love Israel more? Hands up?

The shallow nature of debate over Israel/Palestine in Australia: Labor has hit out at claims that the Coalition will always back Israel in sensitive votes at the United Nations. Seizing on reports that Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop told a Jewish community forum in Melbourne last month an Abbott government would always vote against UN…

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