Afghan war isn’t some noble exercise; it’s empire building

Afghanistan is essentially absent from the Australian election campaign. In fact, any foreign affairs are missing in action. Parochialism is the name of the game. Today’s Australian features a mindless quote from Julia Gillard that the risk of further Australian deaths in Afghanistan is real. Very insightful. A foreign affairs “expert”, Michael Fullilove, offers this…

Complete Labor MP Julia Irwin’s views on the Middle East

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about departing ALP MP Julia Irwin speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine – check the comments on the original piece that shows the massive interest in these rare statements – please find below the complete transcript of the interview with Irwin: ALP Policy: While some of my former colleagues may disagree,…

Interview with New York’s Indypendent on Palestine, peace, BDS and the MSM

Here’s my interview published today by a leading New York publication, The Indypendent. It was conducted by wonderful young journalist Alex Kane: With “peace talks” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel seeming more and more like a dead end, many people around the world, including dissident Jewish voices, are turning to grassroots activism to pressure…

Australia is being led by a values-free person

Guy Rundle on the rise of Julia Gillard to the Prime Ministership in Australia: Gillard-mania was nostalgia for a politics that has long since vanished from Labor. There’s still a faction called the Left in Labor, and it’s still in business. But North Korea calls itself a democratic republic, and McDonald’s calls itself a restaurant,…

Australian Labor Party loathes Arabs and nothing has really changed

Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke is currently being lionised in the Australian media for a recently released biography (by his adoring wife). A friend sends along a story from Sydney’s Daily Telegraph on October 10, 1984 that proves the Labor Party’s loyalty to Israel goes way back and current leader Julia Gillard is cut…

Australia’s Prime Minister is a pale shadow of nothingness

Dissident writer and academic Scott Burchill on the dead heart at the centre of the ruling Labor party in Australia (and the Prime Ministership of Julia Gillard): Caved in to miners within hours of becoming PM – not prepared to stand up to corporate power in the West, or defend the population’s resources equity Gushed…

Gillard remains in the gutter over asylum seekers (and she feels fine)

Australia’s new refugee policy is truly a “he-man” competition. Who can seem toughest on those evil people smugglers? Who can maximise political capital over the handful of desperate souls from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq keen to make a better life? Opening a regional processing centre in East Timor smacks of a typical Western colonial…

The ALP and Israel is like a disease that no medicine can cure

Australian unionist Paul Howes loves Israel. He supports its criminality, murder of opponents, defends it from everybody and would ideally like to make love to the Jewish state. He’s also one of the key figures behind the recent coup of Julia Gillard when overthrowing Kevin Rudd. Welcome to the modern Australian Labor Party, where Israel…

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