Al Jazeera covers Sydney Wikileaks solidarity event

Al Jazeera English covered the Sydney rally for Wikileaks yesterday: Pro-WikiLeaks demonstrations have been held across Australia against the arrest of… Julian Assange, the whistleblowing website’s… founder. In Sydney, around 500 demonstrators [editor; more like 1500 people] gathered on Friday, to push for the release of Assange, who is in a British jail fighting extradition to Sweden…

Sydney’s Daily Telegraph on big Sydney Wikileaks rally

Today’s big rally for Wikileaks in Sydney (I think around 2000 people were there) saw a wide cross section of people outraged with the intimidation of Wikileaks and Julian Assange and the Gillard government’s capitulation to American demands. I spoke and chaired the event. This story appears in the Daily Telegraph: Protestors today converged on…

Wilkie damns Gillard capitulation over Wikileaks

At least there are some rational and strong political voices in Australia: Key independent MP and former whistleblower Andrew Wilkie has accused Julia Gillard of trashing freedom of speech and ignoring Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s right to be presumed innocent. As the fallout from the WikiLeaks revelations continues, the Tasmanian federal crossbencher also said today…

Gillard is pro-Israel and pro-US and gets tick from US

It’s almost inevitable that anybody who would become Prime Minister of Australia has been vetted by Washington. By the time a person is near the top job, their views on a range of issues is known. Not being utterly in thrall to America would cause angst in the corridors of power. Pressure would be applied.…

Assange cannot be the new David Hicks; abandoned to his fate

Cameron Stewart writes a perceptive piece in the Australian on the troubles for the Australian government. It either stands up for its citizen, Julian Assange, or is made to simply follow Washington’s dictates. The evidence thus far is not good: Australia faces potentially the greatest political fallout of any non-American nation from the WikiLeaks controversy.…

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