Israel’s Dubai hit continues the country’s moral decline

My following article is published on the Huffington Post: Israel is facing a revolt from the Jewish Diaspora. “Intifada” is an Arabic word meaning “shaking off”, as one would violently discard a scorpion. Israel is managing its own “intifada” from within. I write as a 36-year-old Australian Jew who has recently signed, with 37 Australian…

Hanging refugees out to dry, courtesy of the Australian authorities

This proposed collusion between the UN and Australia, to remove a potential headache for Kevin Rudd in an election year, should be condemned in the strongest possible sense. Sri Lanka and Afghanistan remain highly dangerous nations for minorities and dissidents. The idea that the Australian government will be sending refugees back to their nations of…

When Barack Obama goes Down Under

My following article appears in the Huffington Post: The arrival of the new American Ambassador to Australia was breathlessly welcomed by the Australia media pack in late 2009. Jeffrey Bleich, an American lawyer from California, assumed his position in Canberra and was introduced to the country through an interview on the public broadcaster ABC. After…

How many Australian passports may have been used in Dubai?

If Australia was an independent nation, it would be outraged. Don’t hold your breath: A fourth Australian has been named as a suspect in the assassination of a Palestinian militant in a Dubai hotel room in January. Dubai police last week revealed a 27th suspect in the team of assassins it believed was responsible for…

Australia’s responsibility to asylum seekers

The following statement was released today by refugee activists from Australia, Canada and Indonesia: “The Merak refugees and the Indonesian Solution, not people smuggling, should be at the top of the agenda for discussions between the Australian government and Indonesian…  President Yudhoyono,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition. “The Australian government is…

Australia dares not offend Israel even when crimes are clear

The latest on the Australia/Israel Mossad scandal: The Australian government is far from satisfied with the response so far from Israel on the alleged use of Australian passports by a Mossad death squad. In an interview with the Herald, a restrained Kevin Rudd said no more information had been forthcoming since Australia first protested last…

Australia’s Israel lobby seem lost for words over Dubai murder

It’s about time Australia’s Zionist lobby was seriously questioned over its inability to find fault with the Israeli policy of state-sanctioned murder (via the Australian): Dual Israeli nationals will be banned from entering Dubai in a sanction that police say will be enforced by recognising “physical features and the way they speak”. The announcement, by…

How many Australians regards Israel as a problem child?

The following letters appear in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Amin Saikal is wrong to call the hit on Mahmoud al-Mabhouh terrorism (”It is time for Israel’s friends to condemn its acts of terrorism”, March 1). This man was an armed combatant, whose chief aim was to destroy Israel and kill as many Israelis as possible.…

Are Australian police on the case to find Israeli friendship or truth?

On the surface, Australia appears to be investigating how our passports were used in the murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai but will any of this really affect Israeli/Australian relations in the long run? The Australian Federal Police will send a team of agents to Israel this week to investigate how forged Australian passports…

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