Secrets and lies between friends over Mossad murder

My following article is published today on ABC Unleashed/The Drum: Israel is a protected species in the international arena. Many Western states, including Australia, have long tolerated behaviour by the Jewish state that is condemned if committed by any other democracy. This reality makes the current scandal over the alleged Mossad hit last month in…

Australia/Israel has a problem in loving each other through the night?

We can always rely on Zionist spokespeople defending Israel no matter what the country does (nuking Gaza? Well, there were terrorists there!) This is about as convincing as an Israeli Mossad agent dressed as a tennis player (and ignores the grave damage done to Israel’s image in the Australian community): A Federal Labor MP and…

Australians discuss how Israel uses/abuses the Holocaust

The following letters appear in today’s Australian newspaper: IT was shocking to read that Malcolm Fraser accused Israel of using the Holocaust to justify state-sanctioned murder (“Holocaust no excuse for murder: Fraser”, 27-28/2) . No, it is not anti-Semitic to criticise Israel, but to suggest that the alleged killers of Hamas militant Mahmoud al-Mabhouh are…

Australia needs to find its voice over Israel (but it ain’t likely)

A fine letter in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald: Finally, Kevin Rudd has done the unthinkable and questioned Israel about its actions (”Betrayed PM should not be taken for granted by Israel”, February 26). As Peter Hartcher points out, this is not the Prime Minister’s style. Mr Rudd seems to have a distorted his Christianity by…

Israel feels a little more exposed in the UN

For Australian diplomacy – usually little more than a rubber-stamp for everything Israel does – this is significant: Australia was last night preparing to abstain in a United Nations vote on a resolution urging Israel and the Palestinian Authority to investigate allegations of war crimes committed during last year’s war in Gaza. The UN General…

Jews, stop using the Holocaust card

The fine words of a former Australian Prime Minister: Kevin Rudd should take a much harder line against Israel in the wake of mounting evidence its Mossad secret service used doctored Australian passports in its plot to murder a senior Hamas militant, former prime minister Malcolm Fraser said yesterday. Last night, Australian Federal Police investigators…

“A long friendship is on the line”

The Age’s Diplomatic Editor Daniel Flitton: Spies, lies and murder: Australia’s relationship with Israel has been dragged into the mud, with the potential that this scandal could get a great deal worse. An ugly episode, indeed. No diplomatic niceties softened the message from Foreign Minister Stephen Smith yesterday – if Israeli officials have tampered with…

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