Murdoch columnist urges Israel to kill people with less traces, please

Surely article of the day about Australian passports being involved in the Dubai murder (while Israeli itself continues to deny its involvement, sounding a little like a scorned schoolchild who doesn’t like admitting he hits girls). Over to you, Greg Sheridan (essentially wishing well… Israel and any other country that wants to murder supposed terrorists in…

Why should Australia gain in the UN by ignoring Israeli criminality?

This “exclusive” in today’s Murdoch Australian (also featured in the Melbourne Age) is a wake-up call to the Australian government. Blindly supporting Israel and mouthing platitudes about a two-state solution, while remaining silent on the siege of Gaza and the growing occupation, comes with a price: Kevin Rudd’s bid for a UN Security Council seat…

Australia rolls out the welcome mat for war criminal retirees

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: The news that defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and former army chief Sarath Fonseka may claim temporary asylum in Australia due to fears for his life…  is the latest saga in the country’s ongoing tragedy. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith denies that Australian officials in Colombo ever received an…

Australia’s “uninhibited affection” for Israel

I wrote recently about the Australia Israel Leadership Forum, a love-fest between the political and media elites in both countries. Haaretz writer Amir Oren offers a Zionist perspective on the largely unreported meetings: Last month the report “Eliminating Nuclear Threats: A Practical Agenda for Global Policymakers” was published by the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation…

What the Australian/American alliance really means

Scott Burchill and Kristian Lewis, The Age, 8 January: The only rationale left for our involvement in Afghanistan is to restore Washington’s military credibility, which was badly tarnished in Iraq. As John Howard said recently, a withdrawal from Afghanistan would be “an enormous blow to American prestige”. For the same reasons it bombed Serbia in…

Australians rally to support the Gaza Freedom March

The following petition, drafted by Michael Brull in Sydney, is aimed at Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd: Israel ’s siege on Gaza is vicious and cruel, and it must end immediately. Its continuation means continued war on the basic necessities of life for the population of Gaza . Any ordinary, decent person would assume the…

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