The rogue nation near our shores

With Sri Lanka dealing with dissent as robustly as its head teacher, Israel, this letter in today’s Melbourne Age perfectly captures the necessary sentiments: With the Sri Lankan military having recently perpetrated what Noam Chomsky has called a ”Rwanda-like atrocity” against its Tamil minority; with 300,000 Tamil civilians confined in concentration camps; with the sudden…

Reaction to Pilger award reveals Zionist lobby’s fear of dissent

My following article appears in Crikey: In 2003, Palestinian politician and human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi won the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist establishment reacted with outrage, accused her of extremism and pressured then New South Wales Premier Bob Carr to not present the award. The campaign was a disaster and convinced large swathes of…

The truth warrior

My following essay is published in Sydney Ideas Quarterly magazine: John Mearsheimer, a leading US scholar on international relations, has strong views on political issues from the Middle East to Iraq but until now, the establishment has been slow to listen. He spoke to Antony Loewenstein During this year’s Iranian uprising, which followed the disputed…

The children don’t need big brother

I’ve written before about Australia’s plans to censor the internet. The country’s communication minister, Stephen Conroy – whom I met some months ago in Sydney and seemed sweet and reasonable as pie but clearly didn’t truly understand the nature of effective public relations or free speech – has been justly awarded an internet villain award.…

Hello, thank you, now don’t look at that on the web

Get Up! Australia has produced this smooth piece of work: Good, clean internet censorship? Help get this advert on the air and in the air – on every Qantas flight in the country during the next sitting week of Parliament. The Government’s test trials on internet censorship are about to end, the results are nearly…

The Australian government is on notice

The initiator of the petition against Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her impending trip to Israel, Ned Curthoys, sent the following letter to her today: Dear Julia Gillard, The following is a petition that I’m presenting to you on behalf of some 180 concerned Australians, many of them eminent names in their chosen…

Telling Australia how to behave well

The following article appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Several Labor MPs have expressed concerns about Julia Gillard’s upcoming trip to Israel, where the Deputy Prime Minister will lead a delegation to hold a dialogue with Israeli leaders. The MP for Fowler, Julia Irwin, an executive member of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group,…

Rupert’s helping hand in apartheid

Following the Australian’s desperate editorial on Saturday damning anybody who challenges Israeli policies, Associate Professor Bassam Dally, from The Australian Friends of Palestine Association, has issued an open to the paper’s editor, Chris Mitchell: A Friend of Palestine is not an Enemy of Israel Open Letter to Chris Mitchell Bassam Dally The editorial titled “A…

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