Rupert embraces the inner terrorist in us all

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian website,, conducts an “investigative report” into “the hidden war on Australia” – the stories are titled “online jihad” – and discovers these startling facts: A special investigation by infiltrating these global networks has identified jihadi references to the “embarrassing collapse” of the Howard government and cites Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s…

Changes afoot?

Following my recent essay in US magazine The Nation on the election of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, I was interviewed by the syndicated American station RadioNation about the realities of the new Australian government. Will we really see a change?

A Rudd Government – ‘passionately pro-Israel?’

My latest article for Online Opinion is about Australia’s new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his uncritical love of the Jewish state: Not unlike many Jewish communities around the world, a leader’s credentials on Israel are praised if unconditional support is offered. Howard was loved for this reason – and a majority of Australian Jews…

Hold us close

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and new leader Kevin Rudd see the world in essentially the same way. In other words, subservience is the name of the game.

Kevin Rudd, agent of change?

My following feature appears in US magazine The Nation and discusses the rise of Kevin Rudd to Prime Minister of Australia: The political annihilation of Prime Minister John Howard in the November 24 election marks a milestone in Australian history. “From this day forth,” writes political columnist Glenn Milne, “no government can rely on the…

Welcome, Kevin (sort of)

The John Howard era of Australian politics is over. Kevin Rudd is the new Australian Prime Minister (though after last night’s acceptance speech, it’s hard to get too inspired by our “dentist” leader.) After nearly 12 years in office, Howard’s reign has been characterised by a desire to drive a wedge through Australian society, between…

Changing of the guard

Guy Rundle, Arena Issue 91: Australian intellectual life changed when Murdoch — Rupe or Lachlan (remember Lachlan?) — sacked Paul Kelly as editor of the eponymous national broadsheet, and moved him sideways to be editor-at-large. Under Kelly’s editorship, the one-time left-liberal publication had moved to a position on the Centre-Right — hardly strident, but committed…

Time for a change of government

The Australian federal election is tomorrow. I’ve deliberately not commented greatly about it – aside from this piece about the possibility of a Labor government supporting a US-strike on Iran and the occasional article about the major parties’ slavish attention to Israel – so a few words are in order. The nearly 12 years of…

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