Analysis of a blind man

Rupert Murdoch says he “knows a bit about” Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Australian troops should remain in Iraq and believes that Western victories in the ravaged countries are at hand. Would that prediction be accurate as his belief in 2003 that one of the benefits of the Iraq war would be US$20 barrels of oil?…

Ali Allawi: The attempt to refashion Iraq was doomed

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: The Iraq war has barely registered in this election campaign (except Murdoch cheerleader Andrew Bolt declaring last week that the battle has been “won”). Clearly Bolt must have missed the millions of displaced refugees both inside and outside the ravaged country during his visit to the…

The Rudd delusion

My latest New Matilda column is about the likely foreign policy of a Kevin Rudd government (namely, pretty damn similar to the current mob): The coming Federal election will be a contest between a social and economic conservative (John Howard) and a marginally less social and economic conservative (Kevin Rudd). Those so-called progressives, such as…

The liberation equation

With one month until the Australian election, the issue of Iraq has been discussed only briefly in the campaign. After all, they’ve been over one million Iraqi deaths and millions of displaced refugees. There’s certainly no chance this kind of news will even enter the minds of our politicians (or the sheep-like journalists following their…

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