Why Gillard is acceptable to the foreign policy elites

Scott Burchill, Fairfax National Times, 30 June: It is not a ”privilege” to talk to the US President with our troops at war. The primary goal of the US lobby in Australia is to insulate the alliance from changes of government after elections and leadership movements within the major political parties. Bipartisan support for the…

Gillard and the Zionist lobby are completely separate (or not)

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is asked on ABC Melbourne radio about a news story today regarding her blind support for Israel and her partner’s job with the Zionist lobby. Even Murdoch columnist Andrew Bolt sees an issue: Gillard said on ABC 774 this morning that as Deputy Prime Minister she excused herself on decisions…

Gillard and Israel are like peas in a pod

It’s very healthy to see some critical thoughts over new Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her tight connection to the Zionist lobby. Much more transparency is required. Watch this space: A former Australian ambassador to Israel has accused Prime Minister Julia Gillard of being silent on the ”excesses” of Israel, and has questioned why…

Julia Gillard will serve our agendas fine, say Washington and Tel Aviv interests

The elevation of Julia Gillard to position of Australia’s new Prime Minister has been welcomed, indeed blessed, by both the Zionist and American lobbies. Gillard can certainly be relied upon to follow her predecessor’s attitude towards the Jewish state and Washington, namely that independent thought is frowned upon and obedience is the necessary Australian way.…

Australia wakes up to a new leader and yet…

Australia has a new Prime Minister today, Julia Gillard, the country’s first female leader, a woman of the Left (supposedly) who has came into power thanks to the power of the Right. Already the commentariat are telling Gillard how to “avoid the same fate as Kevin Rudd“, as if they’re players in the game, wise…

Rudd equals Gillard?

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is likely to be out of a job tomorrow after a leadership challenge by deputy Julia Gillard. Apart from most political journalists getting all excited about the prospect of instability and a new game in Canberra, can somebody please ask Gillard what she really thinks about refugees, the environment and…

Australia’s Israel lobby are like little sheep

The role of religious lobbies in Australia isn’t new (witness the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader last night trying to impress the Christian lobby and its mates across the country, saying things about gay marriage, climate change and refugees). There needs to be far more sunlight into the relations between governments and lobby groups. Who…

With Irwin gone, Australian parliament is totally pro-Israel

One of the Australian parliamentarians brave enough to actually understand Palestinian rights is departing Labor MP Julie Irwin. In a completely ignored farewell speech this week, Irwin discussed “Israeli propaganda” after the Gaza flotilla massacre. She demanded the Jewish state accept international law or face isolation. Note the Labor minister Craig Emerson’s shameful disassociation on…

Turning off the web

As we learn that the Australian government is trying to force web companies to store the history of internet users, America is considering going down a path that is almost inevitable. Being able to harness the internet, a medium that loves to give the finger to regulation (hello Wikileaks), frustrates those who want to control…

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