Hypocrisy trumps policy in Western alliance with Libya

My following article appears today on ABC’s The Drum: The latest BBC interview with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, situated in a fancy restaurant on the Mediterranean, was painful to watch. Clearly delusional and blaming drug-addled youth and al-Qaeda for the ongoing revolution in his country (which he claimed he didn’t lead, the “masses” were in…

Different kind of Libyan slice of life

What the Arab world is watching. George Hale uncovers a gem: Finally found the promo video Al-Arabiya has been playing every half hour or so for their new documentary… ”A trip through Gaddafi’s people’s republic.” Gorgeous music, and it sounds familiar. Know where I’ve heard it before?

“Gaddafi is our shame”

Evocative piece by the New Yorker’s Jon Lee Anderson from inside Libya in the liberated city of Benghazi: Libya’s notional freedom seemed like a mirage until we had driven another six hours through a land almost bereft of people, a landscape alternating between desert and a rolling, fertile greensward of farms, and arrived in the…

NSW Greens don’t see their job as solely defending brutish Israel

The decision of Sydney’s Marrickville council and the NSW Greens to back BDS against apartheid Israel continues to generate predictable hysteria from the Murdoch tabloids (and that’s to say nothing of the racist, anti-Muslim diatribes being circulated by many Jews and bigots across Australia): The Greens have threatened a trade boycott against the world’s second-largest…

Arms dealers see Middle East uprisings as a money spinner

How many Western governments are offering financial incentives for these leeches to sell death? Most of them: As Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi ordered attacks on his own people this week, thousands of arms sellers from the United States and other countries hawked their aircraft, riot gear and rifles to Middle Eastern buyers at the Persian Gulf’s…

Thank you Berlin for helping Gaddafi tighten his grip

Sigh: No sooner was the embargo lifted, than German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder landed in Tripoli with an entourage of 25 businessmen. In passing he… praised what he called the ‘political change’ in Libya. But his main reason for visiting was the promotion of German business. Openly so, and with the support of much of the German…

Moral bankruptcy of the American conservative

The good old days of America just invading, bombing and regime changing when she wanted. The days of empire are wonderful for armchair generals directing the carnage. And then you have neo-con hacks like Michael Ledeen (the great man detailed here) who simply want to use American weaponary to kill people. Here’s his latest advice…

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