Middle East revolutions happened despite of us

The social and political significance of the ongoing Arab revolutions are powerful. Last Friday I spoke in Sydney alongside insightful American reporter Matthew Cassel – who recently was on the front line of the Egyptian revolution and is soon to work for Al-Jazeera English – and Australian journalist Kate Ausburn. It was a fascinating night…

Liberal hawks should hang heads in shame over Libya

The Western-assisted war in Libya isn’t going too well. So much for a quick victory against Gaddafi forces. The utterly confused strategy, even with US-led bombing runs, has not overwhelmed government troops. Gary Younge writes in the Guardian that such missions should force “liberal interventionists” who backed this war to question (yet again!) their belief…

Fallujah 2004 vs Misrata 2011

Here’s what the corporate press would like us to believe. Causing carnage in Iraq by Western forces was justified to rid the place of “terrorists” but when Gaddafi does something similar in Libya he’s a blood-thirsty murderer. Medialens dissects the hypocrisy.

Does God support the Libyan rebels?

As an opponent of the NATO-led mission in Libya, I haven’t really considered the role of God. My bad. I’ve just received the following comment on this very subject. What more needs to be said? Hmm”¦Loewenstein..now thats either JEWISH of German, correct? If its JEWISH then perhaps you’ll recall that at one time your RELATIVES…

We’re in Libya to (insert noble reason here)

Tariq Ali on the West’s gloriously clueless war in Libya: Libya is yet another case of selective vigilantism by the US and its attack dogs in the west. They can rely on the French as well. Sarkozy was desperate to do something. Unable to save his friend Ben Ali in Tunisia, he’s decided to help…

Insider’s view of Libya’s unlikely revolutionaries

UK Guardian journalist Chris McGreal – whom I know and respect from his fine reporting in Palestine and South Africa – writes about the latest revolution; Libya: Few revolutions have been more inspiring. After years of reporting uprisings and conflicts driven by ideology, factional interests or warlords soaked in blood — from El Salvador to…

BDS keeps seeping into the US (while Israel fiddles with settlers)

This will only increase in frequency while the Zionist state continues to occupy Palestinian land. And how many young American Jews look at Israel and like what they see? Less every day: On Friday night [in Washington], a favorite cafe among progressives, Busboys and Poets, gathered letters to Gazans; the next aid flotilla in May…

Mercenaries look at Libya and see dollar signs

What a glorious war: Libya might soon turn into a goldmine for private security firms. Reports say that the UK is already hiring mercenaries to protect the interests of the big corporations there, once Colonel Gaddafi goes. But the fresh history of the previous NATO-led interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan give a pretty clear picture…

What happens when West “liberates” Libya

Chaos, disorganisation, lack of clarity, dishonesty and pain: The International mission in Libya appeared to be running out of momentum yesterday as Barack Obama admitted the situation on the ground had reached a military “stalemate” and France conceded a new UN resolution might be necessary to oust Muammar Gaddafi from power. As the regime’s rockets…

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