The clueless Mahmoud

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on Democracy Now!, expresses his bigoted view of homosexuals: In Iran, it’s considered as a very unlikable and abhorrent act. People simply don’t like it. Our religious decrees tell us that it’s against our values, and all divine laws, actually, believe in the same. Who has given them permission to engage…

The web won’t set us free

My following article was published by the Washington Post online on September 26: During China’s milk powder crisis, with tens of thousands of babies affected by the contaminated goods, the country’s blogosphere railed against corrupt officials. One outraged blogger wrote: “What are the people in the Government doing? They just want mistresses, they want cash,…

In his own words

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to CNN and host Larry King can’t seem to understand why the Islamic Republic may be upset that the US supported Saddam Hussein for many years:

Jewish friends of Mahmoud

This is the kind of Judaism that continues to astound me: A group of American rabbis welcome Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York in a move aimed at countering an anti-Iran protest. Neturei Karta International (Jews United Against Zionism) is a fascinating bunch of anti-Zionists who believe it is forbidden to build a…

A debate lost in rhetoric

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies any hostility towards the Israeli people, only Zionists. It’s an interesting and important distinction that would have far greater significance if he also didn’t deny the Holocaust.

The Media Report on blogging

I was interviewed on ABC Radio National’s Media Report today on The Blogging Revolution and the ways in which the internet is far more complex than simply being a supposedly democratising force: Antony Funnell: What do Iran, Cuba and Egypt all have in common? Well, they all have governments which suppress dissent and they all…

How to break free in Iran

Although Iran’s Judiciary Chief claims that websites can’t be banned without a verdict from the court of justice – stating the Islamic Republic cherishes freedom of speech is a ludicrous statement considering the ever-increasing restrictions in the country – this week sees a small victory for the more reformist-minded: Female activists in Iran scored a…

Very elastic values

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is allegedly the “new Hitler” unless, of course, there is some money to be made, in which case… An Israeli company has recently supplied thousands of high-tech security systems to Iran for the protection of its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel Radio reported on Tuesday. Israel Radio said Iran bought more than…

Bombing. Iran. Never. Makes. Sense

The Lowy Interpreter is the blog for one of Australia’s leading think-tanks, the Lowy Institute. Following a post last week that discussed Israel’s supposed fears of Iran’s nuclear facilities – strongly suggesting that an Israeli military strike was not unlikely and even understandable because the Zionist state feared destruction – I wrote a response that…

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