The dangers of blogging for democracy

My following article appeared in yesterday’s edition of Crikey: 64 people have been arrested for blogging their views since 2003, according to… a recent… University of Washington report. Three times as many people were arrested for blogging about political issues in 2007 than the year before. More than half of all the arrests since 2003 were made…

Battle of the Brainwashed

My latest New Matilda column is about the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Budapest last week: Are Chinese netizens any more thin-skinned than Westerners when attacked online for their opinions? Antony Loewenstein reports from the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit During the Harvard University sponsored Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008 in Budapest last…

Bombing right now

Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer writes that, “the Middle East is drifting toward a new great confrontation in 2008. Iran must understand that without a diplomatic solution in the coming months, a dangerous military conflict is very likely to erupt. It is high time for serious negotiations to begin.” Who says war against the…

Don’t let the women be heard

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s repression and paranoia continues to worsen: Iranian authorities have blocked access to several websites and blogs of women’s rights advocates and journalists critical of the government, a press report said on Tuesday. The move follows a new directive sent out by a committee tasked with identifying illegal websites to Internet service providers, the…

Please bomb us immediately

Headline on a leading conservative, American website on May 20: Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say. The Iranian people will supposedly welcome being attacked by Freedom Bombs and feel liberated just like the Iraqis.

Rudd government reignites campaign against Iranian president

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question, writes: In late 2006, hardline Zionists in Israel and the United States raised the possibility of indicting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “direct and public incitement to commit genocide” against the Jewish…

Is Iran next?

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: The fifth anniversary in March of the Iraq war should have given the political and media elite time to reflect on their actions since 2003. Virtually ignored by the mainstream media were stories such as life in Fallujah, where citizens remain mired in poverty and resentment. Despite…

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