Inciting race hatred on Murdoch money

A helpful reminder of the kind of hatred that regularly appears in the pages of a leading Murdoch publication. Alan Howe is a senior figure in Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper who loves to demean Arabs and praise Israel (free trips to the Jewish state thanks to the Zionist lobby have certainly helped him hone his…

Is Bin Laden in Washington DC?

A unique interview in the US this week between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: Stephanopoulos: If you did know that Osama bin Laden was in Tehran, would you show him hospitality? Would you expel him? Would you arrest him? Ahmadinejad: I heard that Osama bin Laden is in Washington DC. Stephanopoulos: No,…

Isolating Iran is part of the “great energy game”

Here’s my interview with Foreign Policy Journal by Kourosh Ziabari: The Middle East is witness to continuous developments these days, such as Iran’s active diplomacy to attract the indispensable 118-member bloc of non-aligned countries to support its nuclear program, the growing isolation of Israel in European countries and within academic circles in the U.S., Arabs’…

The students paying the price for Ahmadinejad’s arrogance

Because we haven’t forgotten about the Islamic Republic’s barbarism: Bahareh Hedayat belongs to another group of Iranians that has been among the most active in the protests, most brave in its defiance, and most repressed by the state’s basij militia and other official thugs: she is a student leader, arrested (as she had been in…

Cover your legs, ladies, an earthquake is coming

No wonder so many young Iranians are leaving the country: A senior Iranian cleric says women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes. Iran is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries, and the cleric’s unusual explanation for why the earth shakes follows a prediction by the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,…

News flash, Jews: another Holocaust isn’t coming

A good editorial in Haaretz: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the official ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday to warn about the Iranian threat. “The world gradually accepts Iran’s statements of destruction against Israel and we still do not see the necessary international determination to stop Iran from arming,” Netanyahu said, calling on “all…

Iran did not have a Twitter revolution

The BBC World Service has published my following article about the internet in Iran (originally published on BBC Persian last week): The face of murdered Iranian woman Neda Agha Soltan, killed by a bullet in the Iranian capital Tehran, echoed around the world. Like this, the vast majority of iconic images that documented Iran’s disputed…

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