How to ween America off its love of big cars and invading other countries?

An ad by US veteran’s group VoteVets that argues for Congress pushing a clean energy bill to stop the US backing fundamentalist regimes in the Middle East. Putting aside the fact that American troops are largely being attacked in places like Iraq because they’re occupying another people’s land, there is no doubt that the over-reliance…

Iran is not an existential threat (repeat again and again)

Avner Cohen wonders in Haaretz why Israel has allowed itself to be supposedly petrified of Iran’s alleged nuclear program (discounting the possibility that it pays to keep a populace petrified of an enemy): What if Israel had treated Iran’s nuclear project as an exhibitionist, even childish, attempt by a nation mired in a deep identity…

It’s simply irrational that Iran wants to nuke Israel

From the National newspaper: A very important exchange took place between a top-level official from a Gulf state and the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a recent meeting in Tehran, reported Abdul Rahman al Rashed, a columnist with the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al Awsat. “How come you believe that we are intending to build a…

Iran’s Trojan House failed to run

The American Islamic Congress reports on the key troubles with last week’s anti-government protests in Iran: CRIME Report sources inside Iran analyzing the events surrounding last Thursday’s protests – the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution – suggest that organizers may have been too crafty. It appears there was a “Trojan Horse” plan to attend…

Australian member of parliament thinks bombing Iran is almost inevitable

Australian, Jewish Zionist MP Michael Danby loves to talk about human rights in many countries around the world, except of course Palestine. It’s the usual program; issue directives without political risk but support the most reactionary elements of the Israeli political elite. And bombing Iran. Take his piece in the Wall Street Journal that argues…

Blood, drama, chaos and defiance on the streets of Iran

The Islamic Republic is determined to crack down on any dissent on the 31st anniversary of the 1979 revolution: Iran’s telecommunications agency announced what it described as a permanent suspension of Google Inc.’s email services, saying instead that a national email service for Iranian citizens would soon be rolled out. It wasn’t clear late Wednesday…

Using and abusing the Holocaust, part 8652

This is a wonderful article (kindly passed along by a reader). Writing in the Guardian, German writer Alan Posener documents the growing voices that are begging the Jewish community to stop “wailing” about the Holocaust, use the catastrophe as a crutch and insulate themselves from criticism of Israel. Time to grow up: Even today, there…

The BBC will not overthrow Tehran

The Islamic Republic increases its attack on “enemies” and outside forces. A paranoid regime – with, it must be said, some justified reason to fear attempts from the West for regime change – simply convinces its foes that it trusts nobody and fears everybody: Authorities in Iran intensified their campaign to blame the country’s political…

Ahmadinejad raises himself and speaks of nuclear power

The (probably) illegitimate President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sits down with Britain’s Channel 4 reporter Jon Snow: Snow’s description of his interview is interesting: To make up for our long journey to find him the presidents aides had setup a grandiose setting for our interview. The gorgeous shrine of the great 14th Century Persian poet…

The shame of those running Iran in 2009

The Islamic Republic lashes out at its own citizens and creates more revolutionaries: Human rights abuses in Iran are now as bad as at any time in the past 20 years, Amnesty International reports tomorrow in a survey marking six months since June’s disputed presidential election. Amnesty documents “patterns of abuse” by the Basij militia…

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