Not forgetting the silenced Iranians

The crackdown continues: Iranian riot police detained dozens of pro-reform protesters in central Tehran today, a witness said. The witness said the protesters were chanting slogans against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the government, including: “Ahmadinejad – resign, resign” and “Death to the dictator”. The witness added: “Riot police are taking dozens of protesters into their…

People make revolutions

I wrote before about the dangers of over-playing the significance of the web in Iran. It’s hard not to moved, though, by this Iranian blogger: I will take part in the rally tomorrow. It might become violent. Perhaps I may be one of the people who is meant to die. I am listening to all…

Iranian crisis is not about destroying the Islamic Republic

Robert Fisk, reporting from inside Iran, gave a remarkable interview to ABC Radio on Wednesday: No-one’s told me not to drive around so I go and see wounded people and go and watch these confrontations and no-one seems to bother me. I rather think an awful lot of journalists take it too seriously. If you…

Can the West not intrude?

Jordanian blogger Hareega on the situation in Iran: Let Iranians vote for whoever they want to, and if they’re taking the streets and are going bring down Ahmadinajhad let them do it themselves.

Watch the rage rise

The New York Times has a good feature on the political realities in Iran; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a powerful and shrewd man: Whether his 63 percent victory is truly the will of the people or the result of fraud, it demonstrated that Mr. Ahmadinejad is the shrewd and ruthless front man for a clerical,…

We should support the real democrats

The situation in Iran remains dire, unstable and dangerous. Israel is pleased, of course. Some of the most interesting analysis is on The Washington Note. Here, here and here. Something serious is brewing: Last night in London after appearing on Keith Olbermann’s show, I got an email from a well-connected Iranian who knows many of…

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