When insider media meets war mongers group hugging obligatory

The vast majority of so-called journalists in the mainstream media ain’t interested in reporting fairly about the role of US power; they want to be an extension of it. A fascinating insight by Max Blumenthal in Alternet on a recent love-in: Seated on a stool before an audience packed with spooks, lawmakers, lawyers and mercenaries,…

South Korean radio interview on transparency in journalism

Last week I published a piece in the Guardian on the necessity of journalists being far more transparent in their dealings and allegiances, including a call for them to declare for whom they vote. It caused a stir. To the point where I was interviewed on South Korea’s Busan English Broadcasting:

Transparency required in journalism yet sorely lacking today

My following article appears in the Guardian today: Are mainstream journalists dedicated to journalism? This may seem like a strange question, especially since I’m a journalist myself, though independent and not tied to a corporate news organisation. We are bombarded with details that claim to inform us about the world. From war and peace to…

Life as a freelance journalist in the Syrian war

This is a remarkable story, one of the finest pieces of writing about journalism I’ve read in ages. It’s by Francesca Borri and appears in the Columbia Journalism Review. Read the whole thing: He finally wrote to me. After more than a year of freelancing for him, during which I contracted typhoid fever and was…

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