Tell me it ain’t so, a fair piece in Murdoch’s outlet on Palestine

Following what feels like years of comical attacks on anybody who dares breath any criticism of the sanctioned Zionist state, today’s Murdoch’s Australian publishes a response to the endless lies and explains that BDS against Israel isn’t akin to Nazism. Well, who knew? The author, Stuart Rees, sent me his original article yesterday and I…

Lessons in real journalism from Jeremy Scahill

The author of the New York Times best-seller Dirty Wars explains to PBS’s Tavis Smiley on what important journalism means and why it’s far too rare: Tavis:… Let me start before I get into the text, just as we’re talking about this, where it is that this commitment to being a truth-teller comes from. What in…

What reaction to Boston attack says about today’s America

Interesting thoughts by Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker: As always in America, what actually happened today near Boston braided entirely into what was being shown and said, so that the two became inseparable. There were two, and then one, terrorists on the run in a Boston suburb; there were two, and then one, terrorists…

Manufacturing Consent, 25 years on

The classic media analysis book by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman continues its relevance to this day. Herman speaks to The Real News about its impact today, where real investigative journalism will appear and social media:

When will the NYT call torture by its rightful name, torture?

Cracking writing by Andrew Sullivan on the gutlessness of the supposed paper of record: There was something almost poignant about a… post yesterday… by former NYT executive editor Bill Keller. It’s his way of explaining why he decided the Times could not use the plain word ”˜torture’ to describe torture – when it was conducted by the…

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