ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Israel/Palestine and uranium sales to UAE

I appeared last night on ABCTV’s The Drum (video here) alongside the Sydney Morning Herald’s Judith Whelan and… … former NSW Liberal leader Kerri Chikarovski. Aside from arguing against Australia selling uranium to UAE – seriously, do we need to provide a brutal dictatorship with a toxic and deadly resource? – and challenging the corporate media to…

Lessons in how not to be a serious journalist in Syria

Back in 2011, an article by Joan Juliet Buck in Vogue appeared that profiled the Assads in Syria. I covered it back then. It was a puff piece, sycophancy due to access. The piece was shunned, wiped from the Vogue website but never forgotten. Now the writer is back, explaining herself in a strange piece…

Investigative journalism in the era of Wikileaks

Last year, in September, I appeared at Australia’s first… conference (Back to the Source) for investigative journalists in Sydney alongside ABC TV’s… Andrew Fowler, freelance journalist… Philip Dorling and The Australian Financial Review’s… Brian Toohey. We had all in different ways reported on Wikileaks, mostly sympathetically, and the discussion revolved about what the organisation had done to journalism. The…

How to interview an alleged war criminal part 1

Look and learn journalists, admiring the powerful isn’t how it’s done. Here’s an Irish interviewer talking to George W. Bush in 2006: Today, America gives the world Thomas Friedman, a New York Times columnist who loves to dish out American fire power and takes no responsibility when it causes chaos.

What is tearing Syria apart

The horrors inside Syria are increasingly clear. This is both a civil war and a proxy war with various powers determined to oppose and isolate Iran. Here’s a very powerful piece in today’s New York Times by Janine di Giovanni that highlights the chaos of Assad’s Syria: What does it feel like when a war…

McClatchy teaches journalists how to be real journalists

McClatchy’s Washington Bureau just sent out this important directive. Mainstream media, listen and learn: To our staff and to our readers: As you are aware, reporters from The New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg and others are agreeing to give government sources the right to clear and alter quotes as a prerequisite to granting an…

The news is now YouTubed

Fascinating new results on how we now consume news and what this may mean for the future of journalism (via Worldwide YouTube is becoming a major platform for viewing news. In 2011 and early 2012, the most searched term of the month on YouTube was a news related event five out of 15 months,…

#LeftTurn given a thorough and critical review

The following review appears in the Crikey blog Lit-icism: Guest post by Adam Brereton…  Antony Loewenstein and Jeff Sparrow, in the introduction to their new book… Left Turn: Political Essays For The New Left, invite the reader to imagine current examples in popular culture that envision a future ”˜in which the world to come is, in…

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