So Murdoch hacks hacked British government they increasingly opposed?

Interesting, if true (via the Independent): Police investigating computer hacking by private investigators commissioned by national newspapers have uncovered evidence that emails sent and received by Gordon Brown during his time as Chancellor were illegally accessed. Mr Brown’s private communications, along with emails belonging to a former Labour adviser and lobbyist, Derek Draper, have been…

Syria may be convulsing but foreign intervention must be avoided

The situation in Syria continues to descend into a civil war-like situation, according to people on the ground. This interesting report, by BBC journalist Paul Wood, offers a disturbing insight into the Assad regime’s desperation and confusion since the beginning of the revolution: Qutaiba, a 22-year-old engineering student, had never been arrested before Syrian security…

Corporate media pays $100k to visit Christmas Island?

I recently visited Christmas Island to investigate the role of the Serco-run prison for asylum seekers. Very few journalists visit the place due to its isolation and cost but in this Crikey piece today, referencing a discussion on SBS TV last night, there is a remarkable admission: Former Channel Ten Producer Jim Carroll blames the…

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