That’s right, Murdoch, BDS isn’t anti-Semitic

The following Press Council decision appears in today’s Murdoch Australian newspaper: The Australian Press Council has considered complaints by Dale Mills and Vivienne Porzsolt about headlines on articles in The Australian on July 28, this year related to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign that is aimed at businesses associated with Israel. One complaint related…

What released Serco contract says about Australian government’s lack of standards

Following… our world exclusive revelations yesterday about the Serco contract with the Australian government (stories here,… here and here), last night ABC Radio’s PM featured an interview with the editor of the independent publication that ran the articles, New Matilda: MARK COLVIN: The news website New Matilda has obtained the contracts under which the private company SERCO…

The complicated Wikileaks web (and why they must survive)

In typically idiosyncratic style, David Carr writes in the New York Times – hardly a paper with much respect for Wikileaks for most of this year – outlines the myriad of issues faced by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Regardless, we must defend transparency in government and challenge the inherent secrecy of “democracies”: Let’s concede that…

ABCTV News24 on the economy, Afghanistan and Murdoch thuggery

I appeared last night on ABCTV News24’s The Drum (video here). I argued that chequebook journalism is only problematic when the public increasingly distrusts the media and presumes exploitation is taking place. The mainstream media far too often simply accepts the allegedly unbiased reports released by think-tanks and interest groups. More skepticism required and independent…

Why WikiLeaks forces accountability on the insular journalistic and political club

Last week I was invited down to Canberra to give the keynote speech at the Independent Scholars Association of Australia 2011 Conference. It was held at the National Library to an appreciative audience. The following are my notes: -… … … … … …  Quote from Julian Assange, The UnAuthorised Autobiography, p. 119/120 + 168 -… … … … … …  … What is modern journalism…

Supporting Overland and indy media

Wonderful independent Australian magazine Overland is currently running its Subscriberthon. I was asked to offer some words of support: Independent media has never been more important. Our world is currently experiencing a necessary crisis in confidence in corporate media, corporate governance and capitalism itself. Relying on corporate media to accurately report on this crisis is…

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