Wikileaks influence and how it’s growing

Who says Wikileaks is on the back foot? In fact, the group remains supported by millions of citizens around the world for giving us the information our media and governments should be offering. Interesting piece in Fairfax today by Philip Dorling on this very point: A trenchant critic of the influence of corporations on political…

Think before you travel to “paradise”

Ethical tourism is an issue that rarely permeates the mainstream media (hello New York Times). Congrats to Reporters Without Borders for launching “Censorship Paradise” about three nations regularly visited, Thailand, Mexico and Vietnam. More here: Reporters Without Borders is launching a new awareness campaign today, one aimed at drawing the attention of holidaymakers to free…

On Utoya book on Norway and terror nears global release

The following press release was sent to all media today: On Utøya: Anders Breivik, right terror, racism and Europe Edited by Elizabeth Humphrys, Guy Rundle and Tad Tietze with essays by Anindya Bhattacharyya, Antony Loewenstein, Lizzie O’Shea, Richard Seymour, Jeff Sparrow, and the editors. LAUNCH: On Utøya will be launched by Senator Lee Rhiannon and…

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