BDS isn’t akin to Nazi Germany and damn those who say so

My following essay appears in New Matilda today: Equating the BDS movement with Nazism is both offensive and outrageous. So why aren’t members of the Jewish community speaking out on this, asks Antony Loewenstein Joseph Stalin changed his name and so did New South Wales Federal Greens MP Lee… Rhiannon. Stalin, writes Alan Howe, executive editor…

Murdoch press success; discuss Palestine and BDS and ignore occupation

Yet another skillful effort today in Murdoch’s Australian. It ain’t easy being so clueless on the Middle East but the paper strives for a moral blindspot and achieves an own goal: What concerns many people about the Max Brenner campaign, apart from the shadow of history, is that it is directed against something that, although…

Screw the media hacks who only follow elections to get high

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on what elections are really about; the corporate press and business with the general populace mere bystanders: Obviously, at least in theory, presidential campaigns are newsworthy.…  But consider the impact from the fact that they dominate media coverage for so long, drowning out most everything else.…  A presidential term is 48 months;…

Selective BDS understanding, not by chance, in Australian corporate media

Following the appearance today of a story in Murdoch’s Australian about BDS, one of those interviewed, Kim Bullimore, sent me the following details of her interview with the paper’s reporter, Cameron Stewart: Stewart (the reporter) wanted to know when was our next action. … I told them Sept 9.… … He… wanted to know if we would be picketing…

Murdoch’s mob-friendly environment; thugs stick together

Michael Woolf on The Family with a whole lotta scruples: In my biography of Rupert Murdoch, I referred to News Corporation as Mafia-like, provoking the annoyance of my publisher’s libel lawyers. I explained to them that I did not mean to suggest this was an organized crime family, but instead was using “mafia” as a…

When politicians and journalists dance incestuously

My following book review appeared in yesterday’s Sydney Sun Herald newspaper: Sideshow Lindsay Tanner (Scribe, $32.95) “Australia and its people deserve much better than the carefully scripted play-acting that now dominates our nation’s politics.” So begins former ALP minister Lindsay Tanner’s timely examination of the toxic relationship between corporatised media and its political cousins. Politics…

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