Since when was the corporate press for the people?

The Washington Post ombudsman may be confused as to the real purpose of his newspaper; to serve elite interests and shun the mainstream: Where is The Post going journalistically, and how will it get there? The glaring weakness of most, but not all, of The Post’s D.C. competitors is that they’re doing journalism for two…

The long arm of Saudi attitude (and Robert Fisk now knows)

Mmm: Saudi Arabia’s interior minister yesterday accepted undisclosed damages from a British newspaper for a false story claiming that he had ordered police chiefs in the kingdom “to shoot and kill unarmed demonstrators without mercy”. The Independent newspaper and its Middle East correspondent, Robert Fisk, offered “sincere apologies” at the high court in London to…

Was Murdoch also given the nuclear codes?

Here in Australia, we need to know when our political leaders met key figures in the Murdoch empire (and other media players) and why they met: The extraordinary access that Cabinet ministers granted Rupert Murdoch and his children was revealed for the first time yesterday, with more than two dozen private meetings between the family…

North Korea like you’ve never seen it

It’s the most tightly controlled nation on the planet. Yet in this fascinating dispatch by Jean H. Lee, The Associated Press bureau chief in Seoul (who traveled with David Guttenfelder, AP’s chief Asia photographer), signs of a country in transition: At Kim Il Sung Plaza, a determined young man in a blue suit scoots by…

ABCTV News24 on massacre in Norway and refugee swap with Malaysia

I appeared on ABCTV News 24’s The Drum last night (video here) talking refugees and the mass killings in Norway. I argued that the Australian government’s refugee swap deal with Malaysia was nothing more than an attempted political fix to allow Julia Gillard to say she’s stopped the boats. But the human rights conditions in…

Poor little Murdoch hacks don’t like being challenged

Get used to it. Wendy Bacon, professor of journalism at the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism at the University of Technology, Sydney, writes today that the empire is feeling real pressure for the first time in living memory: On Thursday, with News Corporation awash in allegations of criminality and failed corporate governance, I sent an…

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