The Guardian’s Nick Davies on how Murdoch punishes friends and enemies

Speaking on Democracy Now!: JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, Nick Davies, many of us here in the United States who watched the hearings this week were really surprised at the extent to which the members of Parliament really were dogged in their questioning and fairly confrontational in their questioning. Could you explain to us the degree of…

So this is the culture inside News Limited

As the Australian Murdoch empire begin a comical defence of its glorious and ethical journalistic traditions – “What? Us? With an agenda? We’re just here to hold governments to account!” – a far more honest account of life inside the empire by Michael Williams, Senior Lecturer Print and Online Journalism at the University of Central…

Business as usual during Murdoch controversy?

John Pilger writes: Long before it was possible to hack phones, Murdoch was waging a war on journalism, truth, humanity, and succeeded because he knew how to exploit a system that welcomed his devotion to the “free market”. He may be more extreme in his methods, but he is no different in kind from many…

What Australian politicians must ask media heads and not just Murdoch

We’re learning more and more about the culture of entitlement, arrogance and denial within the Murdoch empire. Here in Australia, there are growing calls for a parliamentary inquiry into the power of the media and lack of regulation. New Matilda has a few ideas and I was asked for mine: A parliamentary inquiry into the…

How corporate media aims to protect Murdoch empire

A serious media and political culture would always oppose concentration of corporate interests. Alas, that does not happen and hence the Murdoch empire has accumulated ridiculous amounts of power over the last decades. It should be challenged, including here in Australia. So it’s unsurprising that the corporate press, which lives and thrives by maintaining a…

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