Dodgy Iraq war dossier still dodgy

Startling information but I’d like to know how many corporate journalists will apologise for publishing these bogus reports all those years ago? Yes, I hear a deafening silence, too: A top military intelligence official has said the discredited dossier on Iraq‘s weapons programme was drawn up “to make the case for war”, flatly contradicting persistent…

Pro-settler Zionist says young Jews love fundamentalism, too

This is so desperate it’s comical. Those backing Jewish colonies who live in the Zionist Diaspora want nothing more than no debate over the growing numbers of young Jews turning away from Israeli occupation policies. American Ted Lapkin (who used to work for the Zionist lobby AIJAC and now lurks with a right-wing think-tank) once…

Supporting Palestinian rights makes you “anti-Israel”

This weekend I’m speaking at the Sydney Palestine conference organised by the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine. I’m talking about the Arab revolutions and their effect on Palestine, the myopic Australian Jewish community and the media’s inability to speak honestly about Palestinians (I’m looking at you, Murdoch press, who seem to believe that…

Wikileaks wins award for courage

Bloody well deserved: Julian Assange, the founder of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, has been awarded an award “for exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights”. Mr Assange was given the Sydney Peace Medal at a ceremony at the Frontline Club in central London today. The Sydney Peace Foundation said that it was making the award to…

Middle East revolutions happened despite of us

The social and political significance of the ongoing Arab revolutions are powerful. Last Friday I spoke in Sydney alongside insightful American reporter Matthew Cassel – who recently was on the front line of the Egyptian revolution and is soon to work for Al-Jazeera English – and Australian journalist Kate Ausburn. It was a fascinating night…

Disaster capitalism never sleeps

Because who is stopping it? The Shock Doctrine is alive and well, ideologues pushing through privatisation policies with little or no resistance from the Left or mainstream media. Daily Kos knows it: The events in the midwest these past few months have caused me, along with, I’d hope, any thinking progressive who had not already,…

Killing OBL won’t change a damn thing about our subjugation of others

The media coverage of the murder of Osama Bin Laden continues apace (including my favourite kind of “journalism”, “US officials say…”. Because US officials have a glorious history of telling the truth.) Sydney academic Evan Jones (an irregular contributor to this site) has written the following think piece: Abuse of Power by the Advocates of…

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