Woodward gives exact lessons in how not to be a decent journalist

Real reporters challenge power, not indulge it. Watergate man Bob Woodward lost long ago that belief, becoming far too keen to amplify the views of those in power. Here’s his lessons on American TV for how to get the powerful to give answers that he can just publish verbatim: WOODWARD: I think the survival of…

Sydney’s 2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine, BDS and global justice

I was interviewed for Sydney’s 2SER Radio late last week on the current public “debate” over the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement in Australia. Since the Murdoch press refuses to publish any substantial perspectives that challenge its blind Zionist position – a sign of true insecurity – it’s vital that indy media fills the gap:

Palestinians utterly ignored by Murdoch press when talking Palestine

I’ve spent years being told that my work on the Middle East was extreme, irrelevant and dangerous and therefore should be ignored. Alas, this didn’t stop a litany of critics continually speaking out against it. Threatened much? This is how we should see the ongoing Murdoch campaign against the Australian Greens and its policy towards…

The deep insecurity of Murdoch press and Zio lobby over Palestine

Who knew that anti-Semitism was everywhere? Jews are currently hiding in their houses for fear of being attacked by crazed anti-Zionists. Or not. Murdoch’s Australian newspaper wants to create an image of rampant anti-Israel sentiment everywhere because growing numbers of people are recognising the deep racism within Israeli society. The paper has been running a…

Another day and another non-story in Murdoch press over Palestine

This is what pathetic obsession looks like. Murdoch’s Australian has run days and days of furious coverage of the “extremism” of the Greens over its boycott of Israel policy. I may have missed it but the sky hasn’t caved in yet. Perhaps Rupert will organise that shortly. Today sees yet another piece which doesn’t really…

Bradley Manning is suffering so stand up for him

At least a few are but where are the major political and media elites? Silence: British diplomats will express with officials in Washington for a second time MPs’ concerns about the treatment of a US soldier charged with leaking thousands of sensitive cables to WikiLeaks, the government has confirmed. Foreign Office minister Henry Bellingham said…

Slamming US occupation of Afghanistan is too biased for Murdoch

Here’s a non-story to fill the pages of the Murdoch Australian. I appeared on ABC TV News24’s The Drum last week and discussed a variety of issues, mostly foreign affairs. On most nights the show has a range of guests, usually from the soft left to the soft right, and a number of more strident…

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