Bibi isn’t capable of vision except settlements, colonies and apartheid

And Jerusalem Post editor David Horowitz seems to agree: Netanyahu may argue that the last thing Israel dares do today is take significant “risks for peace” in the unpredictable Middle East, with the further private concern that American support is less reliable than it has been for years, as underlined by the rapid abandonment of…

Libya would not be “assisted” if major export was lettuce

Here’s how the New York Times explains the role of the White House in backing a no-fly zone over Libya. Cute how the paper completely ignores all wider context for intervention; energy resources and oil in the country. All completely irrelevant, of course: In a Paris hotel room on Tuesday night, Secretary of State Hillary…

Australian Greens candidate faces abuse and lies over backing Israel sanction

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Soon after Sydney’s Marrickville council announced in December to embrace boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to force the Jewish state to abide by international law”‰—”‰…  Greens and Labor councillors supported the move”‰—”‰federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese entered the debate. In a news story in…

Australia must take action against Sri Lanka war criminals

While most Australian journalists dutifully followed Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard around the US recently – remind me why so many hacks travel there and do nothing but report on press conferences and fawning speeches in Congress? – Inner City Press at the UN in New York asks real questions: Sri Lankan citizen Palitha Kohona…

Libyan resistance dying for backing from Israel-based reporter

Here’s the way not to report from a war-zone. Western journalist parachutes into a country and starts condemning the actions of the Libyan rebels, offering advice how to better fight a war. Because a Murdoch hack who lives a comfortable middle class existence in Israel knows so much about winning wars against dictators. John Lyons…

Murdoch’s News of the World incubates culture of deception

Today’s Guardian editorial is scathing, necessarily so, and reminds us that the Murdoch empire is always about power and access with ideology a distant second. Remind me why virtually no politicians or journalists dare challenge its power when its actions are clear for all to see? Bravery, please: The collapse of a high-profile murder trial…

Gideon Levy on Israel’s choice of self-delusion

One of Israel’s true heroes: “With the huge dramatic turmoil in the Arab world in the last few weeks . . . finally there is a new spirit in the world and in the Arab world and tyrannies will not last forever. The Israeli occupation is by far one of those tyrannies.” So ended a…

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