Not a Twitter revolution but social tools surely helped

Another fascinating Al-Jazeera feature on Empire about the role of the internet in the Arab uprisings: Carl Bernstein, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist; Amy Goodman, the host and executive producer of Democracy Now!; Professor Emily Bell, the director of digital journalism at Columbia University; Evgeny Morozov, the author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side…

Memo to MSM; your job isn’t to pimp for foreign wars

VIDEO: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Night raid in Mirabad Today’s Murdoch press features this “world exclusive“: The commando raiding party approaches the mud-walled qala, or compound, after a long night march from the helicopter insertion point. As they move in with their infra-red laser sights beaming and their alien-like night vision “eyes” switched on, all hell breaks…

Murdoch press likes race-baiting over asylum seekers

This is the front page story of today’s Sydney Daily Telegraph (surprised the lead isn’t about Lady Gaga or welfare mothers on crack robbing homeless men): Dozens of asylum seekers are on the run, with fears they are being supported by underground networks. Of the 47 people to have escaped last year, 12 had been…

Dershowitz joins Assange team

Loathing Palestinians is clearly no barrier to assisting the US case of Julian Assange: Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has joined the legal defense team for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The announcement–which came via a Tweeted… press release Monday afternoon–took place a… day ahead of the first showdown over Wikileaks in a U.S. courtroom: a hearing set…

Saluting Green Left Weekly’s 20th anniversary

Such alternative press is vital in an age where the mainstream media largely speaks for corporate interests: One of the despairs of our time is a corporate media that speaks for authority and power, rarely for its readers and viewers. One of the excitements of our time is the means by which we can now…

Never trust American “security” experts on democracy

This Washington Post article is precisely why so much of American corporate media is failing. Here’s the story; find men, only men, to speak about “security” and terrorism. Ignore the democratic aspirations of the Arab people and focus on what America/Israel may lose. The implication is clear; we’d much rather Cairo torture and murder people…

New Assange interview on Australian TV

Here’s the interview on SBS Dateline just aired in Australia. And here’s the gist of what Julian Assange said: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says the whistleblowing website’s influence on events in Tunisia was the “example” for the political upheaval in Egypt. The material leaked by WikiLeaks which was then published through a Lebanese newspaper, Al…

Memo to US media: Egypt wasn’t about you

Ayman Mohyeldin is the Cairo correspondent for Al Jazeera English. In two recent interviews (one with the New Yorker and the other with New York magazine) he outlines the responsibility of reporting during an uprising. Note the way he highlights the ego-driven nature of much Western journalism: For a day or so, the story in…

What Australia knew about the Habib case (hint: everything)

Finally the mainstream media catches onto the important case of tortured Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib (who I exclusively interviewed last week): Damning evidence from an Egyptian intelligence officer that names an Australian official who witnessed the torture of Sydney man Mamdouh Habib in Guantanamo Bay has been revealed as the trigger for a hushed-up government…

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