Memo to MSM; Assange is less important than his leaks

Julian Assange, facing a barrage of personal attacks from media companies and foreign governments, rightly tells the UK Observer today that it’s highly revealing how much attention is directed at him as opposed to the allegations presented in the Wikileaks-released documents. He slept with women? Sure, that’s clearly more vital than criminality or torture backed…

Don’t forget every “expert” who embraced Mubarak and his kind

The embedded journalists, writers, commentators and think-tankers who spend their hours urging “moderate” regimes in the Middle East – namely Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others – never cared too much about the democratic aspirations of the Arab people themselves. Too messy, too inconvenient. And as long as Israel was happy, well, Washington (and…

Cutting US aid to Israel? Say it ain’t so!

Even the suggestion gets the “moderate” and “mainstream” Zionist lobbies up in arms. Just remind me why America backs a nation in the Middle East that occupies another people and works closely with brutal dictatorships Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt? U.S. Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slammed on Thursday comments made by newly elected Republican Senator…

Israeli oranges aren’t from Australia

The fact that this story appears in Australia’s leading Murdoch broadsheet is encouraging. Anything from Israel must be clearly marked as such. Why shouldn’t it be? Consumers should know that Israeli products face a global boycott campaign. The NSW government has warned Coles to stop labelling imported fruit as Australian produce, amid suggestions the food…

Fatah, US and Israel all conspire to kill independence

It just gets worse and worse. But really, what can be expected when one side of a conflict is funded, armed and backed by the occupier? One: British intelligence helped draw up a secret plan for a wide-ranging crackdown on the Islamist movement Hamas which became a security blueprint for the Palestinian Authority, leaked documents…

And we wonder why the MSM is treated with such contempt out there

Just how many mainstream publications act illegally to get the next scoop? Britain’s tabloid newspapers are now facing a major crisis after being drawn into the News of the World phone-hacking scandal. Twenty-four hours after Andy Coulson, the prime minister’s communications chief and former News of the World editor, was forced to resign, a lawyer…

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