Israel seems to ignore everybody including the men bringing the aid

God help the Middle East when the US offers some pathetic responses. Scott McConnell reports for Mondoweiss: Just had a Jerusalem meeting with a US government official. Inevitably, as our group is a delegation from Churches for Middle East Peace, someone asks, “What can we do back home to most effectively advance the peace process?”… …

Calling all young human rights reporters

Good idea: “She wakes, as eight men in dark uniforms barge through her front door. The men search the house. Abruptly they are both frogmarched to the back of a van. They don’t know where they are going or how long they will remain in this dark, enclosed space. This is not Nazi Germany, this…

What is the role of the state when “secrets” are revealed?

Leakers pay a price in American culture. The greatest fear of Washington is thinking individuals inside government who know some things are simply wrong; a moral conscience is the only way forward: A former CIA officer has been indicted on charges of disclosing national security secrets after being accused of leaking classified information about Iran…

Now the Wikileaks genie is out of the bottle

The US government may have to realise that good citizens and employees may want to speak out and expose the truth: The White House has instructed every US government department and agency to create “insider threat” programmes that will ferret out disgruntled or untrustworthy employees who might be tempted to leak the sort of state…

Monbiot takes on critics and shows transparency

What a shame it’s come to this. George Monbiot, wonderful British columnist, journalist and author, has written a short piece about his finances to prove he has nothing to hide from critics who spend absurd amounts of time criticising anybody who dares challenge the status-quo. I salute him: Regular readers will know that I have…

Just remind me why the MSM keeps on publishing this man?

Sound familiar? It’s been a very long time since Jewish-speaking peoples brought benefit to humanity by, say, developing new medicines and technology or advancing democracy and human rights. Indeed, the area where the Jews seem most adept at innovation would be terrorism. Airplane hijackings, suicide bombings, and mega-terrorism are among their claims to originality. Oh…

Don’t ignore the oppression-backing Better Place gloss

Israeli electric car company Better Place is accused of providing charging stations in the occupied West Bank and being run by former military men suspected of war crimes. The firm has received media coverage in Australia, mainly over allegations of favourable business deals, but nothing about backing apartheid in Palestine. The Zionist state’s attempts at…

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