The Tzvangirai, Mugabe, MSM and Wikileaks dance

The deluge of Wikileaks cables bring moral considerations. What is released? Is anybody at risk? Who takes responsibility? This discussion at WLCentral examines the issues in Zimbabwe and Morgan Tzvangirai’s meetings with US embassy officials. He is potentially facing treason charges. Where does Wikileaks fit into all this? If this is actually the method by…

A Wikileaks Christmas

Anything to keep the case in the public eye? Thank you, Newsweek, for this delightful photo gallery: The holidays are a time of rest and relaxation for everyone, even enigmatic, internationally wanted former fugitives under house arrest. In an exclusive photo gallery, NEWSWEEK peeks into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange‘s Christmas revelry as he awaits a…

Who is best to keep unnecessary secrets now?

The job of real journalists and citizens is to challenge government spin and lies and not feel sorry for a super-power being less able to get its way: Before the infamous leak, the 250,000 State Department cables acquired by anti-secrecy activists resided in a database so obscure that few diplomats had heard of it. It…

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