A “serious” newspaper debases itself

Perfection. ABC columnist Tim Dunlop offers his reflections on 2010 and takes out Murdoch’s Australian: If The Australian was a member of your family you would’ve arranged an intervention by now to stop further self-harm. If it was a bloke you would suspect it of having a very small penis. Has anyone ever seen a…

New Yorker editor looks at Israel and dislikes what he sees

The love affair is turning sour. When the sympathetic “liberal” US media start asking serious questions about the Zionist state, Tel Aviv (and its blind Diaspora supporters) have a problem. Perhaps they should call David Remnick a self-hating Jew. That’ll work. This is what he told Yediot a few days ago: Do you see a…

We won’t tolerate secrets being kept secret anymore

The London Observer correctly explains the significance of Wikileaks and the empowering of the public against deceit pursued by the powers that be, and that includes many mainstream journalists: For a long time now, since digital media became the defining characteristic of our age, a revolution in information and secrecy has been predicted. WikiLeaks, and…

Australia knows Afghanistan is a mess, Wikileaks shows

No wonder so many in positions of power fear Wikileaks. What we are seeing is diplomacy and statecraft laid bare. And the results are devastating. We are lied to on a daily basis. And what of the countless corporate journalists taken on embedded trips to Afghanistan, simply “reporting” futile battles and tiny details that ignore…

Wikileaks tells us the biggest stories of the year

The sound and fury directed at Wikileaks in the last month has (largely) been against the group itself rather than the revelations in the cables. Salon’s Glenn Greenwald outlines what we now know and why many in the political and media elites are afraid of the public learning of crimes committed in their names: As…

Simon Wiesenthal Centre is tone deaf

On a day where we’re supposed to feel kindness to all, why not show the profound hypocrisy of the Zionist and Jewish establishment? At the end of July, The… Independent carried a piece by Christina Patterson in which she observed that many of her fellow inhabitants in Stamford Hill were intolerant of her presence. “I didn’t…

Who is Haaretz covering with unaccountable views?

Poor form, Haaretz. Ali Abunimah investigates for The Electronic Intifada: Haaretz has an international reputation as Israel’s most liberal and reliable newspaper. But The Electronic Intifada has discovered that one of the newspaper’s regularly-featured reporters, Cnaan Liphshiz, used his news reports for the publication to promote the agenda of an extreme pro-Israel group with which…

Israel may have to attack Iran, Zionist leader tells obedient Murdoch typist

Hands up all those who like taking free trips to Israel organised by the Zionist lobby? The Sydney Morning Herald’s Lenore Taylor does and her recent column simply “reported” alarmist Israeli comments over the supposed threat of Iran. It wasn’t journalism; it was very effective stenography. No alternative voices were offered. Today, in Murdoch’s Australian,…

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