The power of the pulpit

Ibrahim El Houdaiby, Conflicts Forum, February 25: Those who believe that the ongoing crackdowns on the Muslim Brotherhood by the Egyptian regime will cause a major setback for the country’s largest and most powerful civil opposition group are definitely mistaken. Brotherhood members are an integral living part of the Egyptian society who can never be…

Laughing at dictators

Ibrahim El Houdaiby, Guardian Comment is Free, January 12: Public discontent in Egypt has not been solely manifested in ballot boxes (when there are semi-fair elections), demonstrations and newspaper articles. Most Egyptians still feel insecure about expressing themselves in these ways. Writing against the regime is sometimes punishable by physical abuse, as in the case…

The Brotherhood evolves

Ibrahim El Houdaiby, Guardian Comment is Free, January 2: The Muslim Brotherhood, like other opposition groups in Egypt, is going through a period of repression. It is repressed more than any other organisation to the widespread popularity it enjoys. Hundreds of its members have been detained over the past few months and a severe media…