Today’s Murdoch hackery; accusing Israel critics of anti-Semitism

Melbourne Herald Sun writer Alan Howe just doesn’t like Arabs too much. All those free trips to Israel thanks to the Zionist lobby have worked a treat. The Jewish community must be so proud that one of the strongest advocates for Israel in the Australian media also really hates Palestinians. Well done! His latest piece,…

Selective BDS understanding, not by chance, in Australian corporate media

Following the appearance today of a story in Murdoch’s Australian about BDS, one of those interviewed, Kim Bullimore, sent me the following details of her interview with the paper’s reporter, Cameron Stewart: Stewart (the reporter) wanted to know when was our next action. … I told them Sept 9.… … He… wanted to know if we would be picketing…

Murdoch’s mob-friendly environment; thugs stick together

Michael Woolf on The Family with a whole lotta scruples: In my biography of Rupert Murdoch, I referred to News Corporation as Mafia-like, provoking the annoyance of my publisher’s libel lawyers. I explained to them that I did not mean to suggest this was an organized crime family, but instead was using “mafia” as a…

This is called making peace with Murdoch because you need him

Desperate political times result in an Australian Prime Minister asking for fair coverage of her policies; this is also known as bowing to what the Murdoch empire wants and should not receive; elevation of its perceived power. Stop indulging the unethical grubs: After months of festering tensions between the government and News Ltd, the Prime…

Was Murdoch also given the nuclear codes?

Here in Australia, we need to know when our political leaders met key figures in the Murdoch empire (and other media players) and why they met: The extraordinary access that Cabinet ministers granted Rupert Murdoch and his children was revealed for the first time yesterday, with more than two dozen private meetings between the family…

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