Obama on Mubarak; he ain’t so bad really

Barack Obama on Mubarak when speaking to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly: “He’s been a good partner in relation to the peace with Israel. And with some counter-terrorism.” What’s this code for? We like how he’s repressed the Palestinians and Hamas and tortured “terror suspects” for us: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

We should thank Cairo for repressing people?

Democracy for Arabs? Not in the Murdoch world. Here’s a senior Australian editor, Alan Howe – the man has form – writing today on Egypt in Melbourne’s Herald Sun. It’s all about Israel, screw freedom or rights. The Zionist state has corrupted our souls: Sayyid Qutb. Remember that name. You’ll hear it often in coming…

Israeli oranges aren’t from Australia

The fact that this story appears in Australia’s leading Murdoch broadsheet is encouraging. Anything from Israel must be clearly marked as such. Why shouldn’t it be? Consumers should know that Israeli products face a global boycott campaign. The NSW government has warned Coles to stop labelling imported fruit as Australian produce, amid suggestions the food…

And we wonder why the MSM is treated with such contempt out there

Just how many mainstream publications act illegally to get the next scoop? Britain’s tabloid newspapers are now facing a major crisis after being drawn into the News of the World phone-hacking scandal. Twenty-four hours after Andy Coulson, the prime minister’s communications chief and former News of the World editor, was forced to resign, a lawyer…

Memo to Washington; only shows us as exceptional 24/7

The recent news that the US State Department will be taking an acclaimed documentary about Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg to show around the world has upset Fox News. The US shouldn’t be “airing its dirty linen” to the globe, says the national security “reporter”. Watch and learn how real media messaging works: Watch the…

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