Wikileaks press release on incitement

Spot on (just released statement): “WikiLeaks: treat incitement seriously or expect more Gabrielle Gifford killing sprees.” Wikileaks today offered sympathy and condolences to the victims of the Tucson shooting together with best wishes for the recovery of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords, a democrat from Arizona’s 8th district, was the target of a shooting spree…

Happy new year, Rupert

Following Britain’s Business Secretary Vince Cable declaring his opposition to Rupert Murdoch, this letter in today’s UK Independent expresses the views of many who care about media diversity and decency: Vince Cable’s remarks to the undercover reporters were undiplomatic, yes, but heartening nevertheless. What Cable didn’t say was why he thinks so little of Murdoch.…

Yes, Murdoch paper makes up stories

What a shock: The Sun has owned up to what I guess we in the journalism trade realised the moment we saw it – its splash about the pre-Christmas live episode Coronation Street being targeted by al-Qaeda was false.

A “serious” newspaper debases itself

Perfection. ABC columnist Tim Dunlop offers his reflections on 2010 and takes out Murdoch’s Australian: If The Australian was a member of your family you would’ve arranged an intervention by now to stop further self-harm. If it was a bloke you would suspect it of having a very small penis. Has anyone ever seen a…

How hard is it to discuss Serco and refugee policy?

The corporate media is hopeless. Here’s a feature in today’s Australian newspaper about Christmas Island, the increasing crisis of refugees being overcrowded and residents getting upset over it all. But there’s no mention at all of Serco, the British multinational running the place, a firm integral to the institution. Not good enough: An Amnesty International…

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